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Juniper APSTRA

Automate the planning, implementation and operation of your own private data centre. For solutions from Juniper Networks as well as for standard protocols from other network manufacturers.

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Enterprise data centre network refresh planned?

Go straight for automation.

Enterprise network teams need to quickly develop, deploy and manage their (on-prem) data centre networks while ensuring availability. Automation remains the key here.

When re-evaluating the data centre strategy or a tech refresh, APSTRA should be considered directly - as a departure from trainer administration and for the necessary future security in data centre operations.

APSTRA from Juniper Networks allows data centre teams to automate planning, implementation and operation - also supported by Juniper Validated Designs (JVDs - industry best practices). This guarantees shorter go-live times and increased failure protection. Supported topologies are 5 stage, 3 stage and collapsed fabrics.

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Juniper APSTRA


VereinfachteVerwaltung für private Datencenter über einen einzigen Kontrollpunkt.

Tech-Refresh On-Prem Datacenter-Infrastruktur oder Design einer neuen Rechenzentrumszone.

Nachträgliche Automatisierung der bestehenden Juniper Networks Rechenzentrumsinfrastruktur z.B. sollten Engpässe in den internen Automatisierungs-Teams auftreten.

Vereinfachung von Planung, Deployment und Betrieb moderner Spine-Leaf-Architekturen mit EVPN-VXLAN. Auch zur Ablösung von traditionellen Architekturen (z.B. Spanning Tree oder proprietäre Technologien).

Einfaches Ausrollen von Datacenter Fabrics in verschiedenen Available Zones oder Geo-Lokationen mittels Templates.

APSTRA gives you technological freedom.

APSTRA is the only automation platform for data centres that offers these benefits across all manufacturers and with a central console. In addition to Juniper Networks, APSTRA also supports manufacturers such as Sonic, Cisco and Arista.

APSTRA also integrates seamlessly with other cloud management tools and services such as Terraform and Ansible, enabling data centre operations teams to deploy the technologies of their choice.

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Data centre automation with Juniper APSTRA

The main advantages

icon Relief for the in-house OR teams & significant reduction in tickets and support tasks.

Relief for the in-house OR teams & significant reduction in tickets and support tasks.

At the same time, reaction times are reduced thanks to significantly faster root cause determination with APSTRA.
icon Human errors as the main cause of failure are drastically reduced by intent-based, automated config rendering.

Human errors as the main cause of failure are drastically reduced by intent-based, automated config rendering.

icon Proven TCO savings through simplification of overall operation.

Proven TCO savings through simplification of overall operation.

Confirmed by Forrester, among others.
icon Single-Source of Truth

Single-Source of Truth

A contextualised interface for the entire system.
Free of charge and customised

Request a demo or individual TCO calculation

Nomios Germany and Juniper Networks will carry out a individual TCO analysis for you. On request, we can also realise an custom demo or a POC. Talk to us!

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