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24x7 secure and connected

Managed Services
for Network and
Cyber Security

Increase internal IT efficiency and ensure business continuity: Certified network and security engineers from Nomios Germany take the pressure off your teams.

Certified & experienced:

Nomios Managed Services.

Managed services from Nomios Germany are ideal for any company that wants to increase the ROI of its own IT resources.

Be it your own growth strategy or the desire to relieve internal resources in the areas of network and cyber security: Managed Network & Security Services are provided by Nomios Germany in accordance with ITIL and exclusively by certified technicians. We are the first to master the latest technological developments and incorporate them for your company. This is made possible by our high partnership status with almost all leading manufacturers.

Unlike traditional managed service providers, Nomios Germany's infrastructure always belongs to the company it supports. This applies to both hardware and software.

With this approach, the advantages lie in the more flexible scalability of the infrastructure, the smooth replacement of modular managed services by internal teams and the automatic and direct transfer of all work steps performed by Nomios Engineers into the company's ownership.

Managed Security Infrastructure:

Managed Network Infrastructure:

Managed Network and Managed Security - why from Nomios Germany?

icon High certifications.

High certifications.

Nomios Engineers consistently hold high, up-to-date manufacturer certificates and thus demonstrably the latest operating knowledge.
icon No bots.

No bots.

A genuine technical contact who knows the customer and their environment. No ifs and no buts.
icon 24/7 operation.

24/7 operation.

Goodbye internal on-call service: Together with our colleagues from the Nomios Group, we ensure your IT operations around the clock.
icon Flexible contact.

Flexible contact.

Whether email, telephone or ticketing system - your teams choose the contact option that suits them best.
icon Control and governance

Control and governance

Our managed services create more transparency with regular reports and thus actively support risk management, for example.
icon Assessments und Service Delivery.

Assessments und Service Delivery.

Ergänzende Mehrwerte entlang des gesamten Projekt-Lifecycles runden das Angebot von Nomios Germany für Sie ab.
icon From architecture to service.

From architecture to service.

Everything from a single source on request: from planning, hardware procurement and deployment through to managed or on-site service.
icon From NOC to SOC.

From NOC to SOC.

The holistic outsourcing solutions for your network operations or cyber security.
icon The infrastructure is yours.

The infrastructure is yours.

Complete freedom of choice: Unlike other managed service providers, your company owns the hardware and licences.
icon Intellectual property (IP)

Intellectual property (IP)

Because your company holds all licences and hardware itself, all Nomios Engineers' work steps, e.g. for automation, are transferred directly to you.

Nomios Managed Services - efficiency and security for your company.

Managed services from Nomios Germany increase the ROI of your IT resources. Our certified network and security engineers offer support in the areas of network and cyber security. With a high partnership status with leading manufacturers, state-of-the-art technology and 24/7 operation, we take the pressure off your internal teams and ensure optimum performance and security.

Talk to us!


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