
Reducing IT costs - how to organise the total costs of ownership of your IT infrastructure more efficiently.

Philippe Strübbe
Placeholder for Phil StrubbePhil Strubbe

Philippe Strübbe , Director Communications & Partner Management , Nomios Germany

3 min. read
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Whether on-prem or cloud-based - a company's own IT infrastructure is a significant cost item for every organisation. Below, we show you how you can reduce your IT costs without compromising on the quality of your results and the services Nomios Germany can provide to support your goals.

1 | Analyse the impact of your IT on the entire company:

Today, IT systems are not only business-critical (e.g. customer portals as web apps, remote work or digitalised production facilities), they also play a role in other specialist departments. For example, compliance and HR. Streamline internal processes and increase security by:

  • Implement solutions that support your regulatory requirements, especially in cyber security.
    Modern security systems support audit security at the touch of a button and provide important certifications for regulatory compliance at the same time. By automating and integrating such solutions, you reduce the administrative workload and gain time for your core business.

    Nomios Germany advises you with our vendor-neutral IT consulting. Always in line with your goals. In addition, Nomis implements and operates the solution in addition to your teams if required.

  • Putting a stop to shadow IT: Shadow IT refers to systems, processes or even organisational units that are prevalent in a company without the IT decision-makers being aware of them. Companies often "burn" a lot of money here (licences etc.) without achieving a meaningful, coordinated ROI. In addition, these shadow systems in particular represent a significant IT security gap, partly because they have never been tested or even patched. The costs of a resulting cyber attack can quickly run into the hundreds of thousands, without factoring in the damage to the affected company's image.

    The security assessments from Nomios Germany help you to identify shadow IT, among other things, and then control it effectively.

  • Avoid downtime costs: If IT comes to a standstill, the company comes to a standstill. Even a brief network failure or the inaccessibility of individual databases can be really expensive. Proactive investment in your own IT infrastructure or the outsourcing of 24/7 monitoring and incident management can therefore be highly advisable and quickly pay for themselves, and not just in comparison with the consequential costs of downtime.

    With its Managed Security and Network Operation Centres, Nomios Germany offers an (economically) clever alternative. The modular managed services, which utilise your infrastructure, are also helpful.

2 | Rethink the opex vs. capex distribution of your IT expenditure:

Pay attention to opex (operating expenditure) and capex (investment expenditure). Nomios Germany supports you in both areas to increase efficiency.

  • Reduce IT operating costs through modernisation:
    A tech refresh is initially a capex burden, but often significantly reduces your opex costs. As an example: For customers in colo or on-prem data centres, capacities, including power, are fixed for years. However, in the age of AI in particular, increasingly powerful systems are required, creating a delta that can ultimately lead to an expensive move or costly expansion. More powerful devices, which are also more efficient, prevent this and allow the planned cage utilisation to continue. The investment therefore saves money in the long term.

  • Automation to reduce electricity consumption: Larger on-prem data centres are a burden on IT expenditure due to increased electricity prices. By using automation, companies can ensure that only the required resources are active and unused resources are automatically switched off. Automated load balancing mechanisms also support this.

  • Targeted use of AI ops: IT personnel costs are a significant factor in IT opex costs. AI-supported IT operations (AIOps) can significantly reduce hiring costs and increase the ROI of existing employees. AIOps systems relieve the burden of repetitive, time-consuming work, freeing up more time to work on revenue-relevant projects. AIOps also enables proactive network management - often even automated at night or at weekends - which eliminates weaknesses before they can lead to an outage.

    Nomios Germany is your specialist for the introduction of AIOps to relieve your IT teams.

These are just a few examples of how the TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) of business-critical IT infrastructure can be organised more efficiently. Let our IT consulting team advise you on your challenges without obligation. We look forward to hearing from you!

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